Ducted Heating

Gas Ducted Heating is your perfect solution.

Ever wanted to enjoy a Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream on a cold Melbourne night? Gas Ducted Heating is your perfect solution. Whole home heating is more affordable than you’d think. Heat your home, heat specific areas (with zoned ducted systems), and now heat your home…away from home with WiFi-ready ducted systems. Quality and tested solutions to suit all budgets and needs with 6-years warranty on workmanship with installation.

Gas Ducted Heating
Also known as Central Heating, Gas Ducted Heating is a common whole-home heating solution relying on flexible ducting underfloor (or roof-space) running off a main duct leading to a series of outlets (or vents) in each room. Air is drawn in from a centralised vent also known as a Return Air which which reheats and distributes warm air back through the vents.

Add-On Cooling
What about cooling you say? So you’ve heard the scoop. Add-on cooling is a great addition to any new gas ducted heating installation (and some retrofit installations). Combine gas ducted heating with refrigerative cooling providing the best of both worlds and superior whole home climate control.

Ducted Air Conditioning
Ducted Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning is like having a split system air conditioner in every room, but not. Designed to your needs, Ducted Air Conditioning uses Inverter technology to heat or cool your home at the touch of a button. Much like ducted gas heating, this system relies on a centralised engine which feeds customised ducting with vents (or outlets) in every room, but unlike it’s cousin the Condensing Unit feeds to an Indoor Coil which then feeds the outlets in each room.

Family owned Russell’s has been the name locals have known and trusted for over 60 years spanning 3 generations, we are not your average box-moving retailer. Sales, installation, and planning we will manage your project from start to end and transform your home into a climate-controlled haven.